Reiki is a natural healing technique. Reiki promotes relaxation and activates the natural healing/ repair processes of the body to encourage and restore physical, mental and emotional well-being.


    Pain Control

    Increased self-esteem and quality of life

    Enhanced well-being and sleep quality

    Symptom management in some conditions

    Stronger sense of connection with self and others

    Enhanced positive thinking

    Chakra cleansing and balancing

    Reiki treatments can evoke varying sensations and emotions, but most people will feel extremely relaxed after a Reiki treatment.

    Reiki healing – £37.50 per session

    (£28 through April 24)


    Bowen Therapy is a holistic approach that offers an effective alternative treatment for pain relief and various conditions.

    Back/Neck/Shoulder Issues

    Chronic Pain

    Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue

    Digestive issues


    TMJ disorder /Jaw Issues

    Migraines and Headaches

    RSI/Carpal Tunnel problems

    Kidney / Menstrual problems

    Bowen Therapy is a gentle procedure, there re no vigorous manipulation, which makes it suitable for all - more details below.

    Bowen Technique - £40.00 per session

    (£30 through April 24)

Contact me to see how I can help you take control of your health..

Email: YorkshireBowenTherapist@gmail.com

Mobile: 07415797618


Bowen Therapy is based on the principle that our bodies have been designed with a built-in healing ability, we see this in cell regeneration and the healing of fractured bones and when we superficially cut ourselves, we don't bleed out, our bodies heal the cut. But sometimes the body gets stuck, we throw a lot at our bodies, and we need to take care of them. Bowen therapy helps to trigger this natural healing ability and refers the body back to its inherent blueprint. The gentle Bowen movements affect the nervous system transforming them from the Fight or Fight response to Rest and Repair.

Bowen Therapy is a gentle procedure suitable for all from babies to the elderly and infirm, there is no vigorous manipulation, which makes it kind to those who are sensitive to pressure and can help with..

Back/Neck/Shoulder Issues

Chronic Pain


Fibromyalgia/Chronic Fatigue

Digestive issues


TMJ disorder /Jaw Issues

Migraines and Headaches

RSI/Carpal Tunnel problems

Kidney/Menstrual problems

Knee/Hamstring/Ankle issues

Some Bowen clients find improvement after only one or two sessions. For others, it may take longer, perhaps between 3 to 6 sessions. Clients with ongoing chronic conditions often continue with therapy on a regular basis to maintain their wellbeing.