• 1 to 1 Session

    Yoga was traditionally taught by one teacher directly to one student. The ancient yoga teachers understood the importance of individualizing each yoga expereince to meet the need of the individual student. Todays group classes are great and help create a strong sense of community and affordable yoga, however in a group class teachers may not be able to deliver the individualized attention and guidance that we all need at one time or another.

    A private session allows for a more intimate view into YOUR practice.

    £50 per session - 1 to 1 Session

  • Small Group Sessions

    Private sessions are a wonderful way to develop and deepen your practise through personal tailored programs to increase, strength, mobility, flexibility, relaxation and stress relief. These bespoke, personal sessions can be designed to suit your level and your intentions, following any areas of interest you have such as breathing practises, meditation, yoga philosophy, physical postures or relaxation.

    Enjoy a class with friends or your partner, have fun whilst splitting the cost!

    £60 per session - Group of 2-3